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Rubrika: US Supreme Court

Zemřel soudce Nejvyššího soudu USA Antonin Scalia – svět přišel o významného zastánce právního konzervatismu, originalismu a textualismu.

Tak tato zpráva mne velmi zaskočila a zarmoutila. Sleduji jej již dlouho (a snažím se i propagovat v ČR, například cestou citace v některých mých odborných statích) a tato událost se mne tedy dosti dotkla. Takto blízkému konci myslím nic nenasvědčovalo (jakkoli samozřejmě jeho osobní život až tak nesleduji). Zásadní problém bude, zda existují nějací ideoví následovníci.…
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Justices Pass on Tax Case From Online Merchants

The United States Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling from New York’s highest court requiring Internet retailers to collect sales taxes even if they have no physical presence in the state. As is their custom, the justices gave no reasons for their decision not to hear the case, which involved Amazon.com, the online…
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Constitution should safeguard basic fundamental human rights

Like a true advocate for personal freedom, U.S Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed out that “the spirit of liberty has to be in the population, and then the constitution … should safeguard basic fundamental human rights, like our First Amendment, the right to speak freely, and to publish freely, without the government as…
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United States v. Jones: Ochrana individuálních práv je velkým tématem i současné americké judikatury

The government’s continuous and long-term tracking of someone’s vehicle without a valid warrant is unconstitutional ! Zdroj: United States v. Jones | Ilya Shapiro, Tim Lynch and Jim Harper | Cato Institute: Legal Briefs.

Epic Win for First Amendment!

The Supreme Court scored an epic win for the First Amendment in striking down California’s prohibition on selling violent videogames to minors. The law was both overly broad—sweeping in a wide variety of games based on no objective standard and no age-based gradations—and underinclusive—with no restrictions on other types of media. With a few strictly…
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